Section titled '2019-07-17'just walking fucking outside at night
(most generic shit ever)
Section titled '2019-08-02'someone took off and stole my clothes while I was sleeping on the back seat of an SUV and so i had a mental breakdown
Section titled '2019-08-08'- me watching some guy (my relative?) being buried alive with their consent
- incomprehensible public transportation shit
(remember something about crimea)
- me watching some tv show (cartoon? anime?) where the main hero did something bad to the main villain (a scientist or something that develops some weaponary shit) so he uses his bodybuilder friend to hide dildos and guns inside walls to aim at the main character
(the whole plot was happening in a village of some sort)
Section titled '2019-08-15'i was watching a tv show? playing some shit in? vr
that's it
i don't remember the name but it consisted of two words and the first letters of each were db
that's weird
rendered in some slabbed helvetica-alike + googlish blue
in the begginning it was like this:
some link(from nintendo)-like character running on some horse or shit that can transform into a (white wolf) does some weird shit
also there's a fucking car (without any passengers or the driver) at full speed chasing him
at the end it looked like i sit in a room with 3 fake psychologists and having existential crisis
what the fuck
also the horse was white too
also why the fuck would he need a horse if he can transform and run as a wolf
i remember one of them [psychologists] said i shouldn't weight more than 14 (pounds?)
gotta check how much that is
6.350293 kg
also one of his hands was black or something
i mean it's not tan it's like a n***erhand
[the font] maybe it's roboto slab
looks similar
but the upper parts of the letters were more fucked up
btw this scene [with a Nintendoish character] was in very saturated happy colors
which is unusual
the background looked like a generic mario level or shit with a mountain
Section titled '2019-08-18'okay so i had 3 dreams
remembered almost nothing from them
- i'm inside some office with more people and some guy talks about how his wife died in form of a presentation
- some video game set in the modern day with the main character being some ~12yo boy
can't say much more
- i go to the kitchen grab something that appears to be a shawarma take bite and immediately wake up
and now here i am
[the first dream] okay so there was like a table with people sitting
i was one of them
and also there was a person presenting
Section titled '2019-08-19'i had today 2
- random shit that i almost don't remeber
(i'm that there was something related to hooee)
- i'm in prison
but the prison more looks like a regular pioneer camp but with cells
also it's supposed to be located in northern england but looks pretty soviet
it the end someone tried to murder me but i ran away
that's it
(i tried to go to the old prison building or something)
Section titled '2019-08-22'3 weeks of travel by train and also some game (presumably made by [the person I was writing to]) with the elements of a farming simulator an rpg and a shooter
also there was some pool with the depth of 0.43 meters and the average iq of a swimmer of 47 but idk what the fuck was that
Section titled '2019-08-28'some khruschevka is being demolished with a construction crane while i seat near and watch
i'm back to shleep
okay no
more details on this
- for some reasom our english teacher was there too
- they first removed a side wall and placed it above something with the inner side directed outside on which i was sitting
- the wall was covered in some black substance and it was really fucking stinky and disgusting
- i was sitting literally like 10 meters away from the fence and the khruschevka
Section titled '2019-09-07'scene 1. night car driving in american/european suburbia + supermarket
- virus/vampire shit
scene 2. some top-down space shooter type glitched game + fucking andrey nifedov
scene 3. my room + my grandma screaming at me
that's it
Section titled '2019-09-08'airplane
but a fucked up one
i'm back to sleep
awake again i am
i had a second dream
but i neee time to remember it
some war shit
video game-like war shit
i remember a insect transforming intro a helicopter
some crystal shit covered in stone inside metallic spheres
and some island or shit
(with bad weather)
i'm not sure if i was a passenger or a captain [on the airplane]
then also grow a beard
and buy roses
Section titled '2019-09-10'2-layer bullshit (dream in a dream)
layer 1: i'm sleeping (makes sense) but not in my apartment (at least it didn't look like it)
layer 2: some indiana jonish adventure shit about some girl with a very fucked up name which i of course forgot
i don't remember much else about the dream but it wasn't as depressive as usual
that's it
Section titled '2019-09-11'idk how but it follows the same scheme as other recent dreams
(dream in a dream)
level 1. some kung fu tv series featuring chin and having nothing to do with hk97 in terms of plot
level 2. me ""irl"" finding some video game somehow related to this
level 3. me "irl" watching a "similar" tv show
what the actual fuck
btw i kinda remember some details
[level 2] the splash screen? had a mario and some cartoon f****t model and some name in the back (probably super smash bros brawl which doesn't make any sense because i've never even googled this game)
[level 3] the name of the show was "king's guard" or some stupid shit like that and expectedly such a common name doesn't yield anything similar upon googling
what the actual fuck (2)
Section titled '2019-09-13'me at home but i have interent problems and apparentlt it's also in minecraft
ihat's tt
Section titled '2019-09-13'some city + some travel ona a shitty japanese train
Section titled '2019-09-14'some airport shit in which i fucked up something with the ticket
it that is
Section titled '2019-09-16'some political shit on the internet
also i feel even worse than before sleeping
Section titled '2019-09-18'some neurocomputer interface shit or something
other than that it was just a regular slice of life shit but with non-[the city I live in]ish architecture
(still looks soviet but more minimalist)
- fucked up elevation changes
Section titled '2019-09-19'some space station astronaut shit
- fucked up perspective time dilation and devices that don't make any fucking sense
also [my friend] was there at least in one scene
here's the "plot":
(i only remember only several scenes again)
i'm (for no fucking reason) an astronaut that works on a space station that doesn't resemble iss and also violates and laws of logic in it's design
there was a scene where i'm looking through the window and i can see some fucking building that's on the ground (i just assumed that's normal)
i'm not sure if i was to spacewalk but i remember crawling through some long tube(???) in full suit for some reason
later there was a scene where i sit to the left and [my friend] to the right
somehow i figured out time dilation there (me getting older(/[the person I'm writing to]nger?) than people on earth (how??????))
so we were writing some shit
(i'm not sure if on paper or on a computer)
then the design of the station instantly changes (at least it repaints to dark gray) and i'm jumping from the station to the ground with 5 other people for some reason
so we like scan the territory and one of them finds [my friend]'s grandma(?) and she requests us to take off our suits that for some reason make us bigger (like ant-man)
so after that he handles her and we go back by jumping with extra gas acceleration(?)
2 of them have some problems with that and the rest of us assume they fucked up and didn't jump enough
turns out nope one of them jumped higher than the station and flew back to us somehow
then the theme change again instantly
the other one (probably) has some superpowers and provokes some ogre-looking guy to fight
he requests him to take off his mask because he can see his ugly beard behind it (what the fuck)
at this moment i woke up
Section titled '2019-09-27'(multilevel dream in a dream shit)
level 1. driving in russia and doing random shit in turkey with dad and teleportation
it was weird and scenes barely connect to each other
at the end i look into the mirror and i see that one of my eyes looks improperly
(rotation and size)
level 2. i "wake up" look at the mirror and open [messenger] to write [the person I'm writing to] about the dream
i nearly shit my pants but okay
[level 1] also there were (for some reason) a lot of chinese and dutch people (in supermarkets at least) + it was dark and the atmosphere was borderline horrory
okay some more details:
[level 2] i'm not sure but after looking the second time(?) i've seen the fucked up eye again and i've either seen the same level again but without it and then actually woke up or just actually woke up
[level 1] there was one scene in daylight and it happened in a bank? supermarket? and i had some problems with my credit card so the cashier(?) screamed at me or something
i couldn't fix the problem tho
the supermarkets not only had those but horrible lighting with luminescent lamps and i didn't even buy anything
the moment happened on some metal platform in the outskirt of the city which didn't even have neither the ob river nor the hill and the terrain was completely flat
the sky was dark reddish
idk where the fuck i got a mirror but it was either my smartphone or some cosmetic pack shit with powders and a mirror
Section titled '2019-09-28'me talking to some woman about how they managed to hide a giant robot inside a small room and where did 2 doors go
sliding through the whole fucking building by ducking in a weird pose
i tried to remember more but couldn't
there were 2 more women:
- some asian hoe in a red dress with an orchestra? near her
- some angry fucker that screamed at me near this room
i cunt remembah more
Section titled '2019-10-02'i forgot it
but i remember someone was chasing me and there was a black jeep
but it wasn't horrory
Section titled '2019-10-03'i forgot it but i remember that it was extremely weird
Section titled '2019-10-04'i remember there was the baby shark melody
but it was another song
and i thought it sounded like it
Section titled '2019-10-05'- not sure how old i was
- listening to music and watching music related videos on youtube
(the most realistic part)
- me going from some forest to (presumably) my home in the village/private sector
[point 3] it was winter and the village/sector was either inside a hollow or surrounded by hills
Section titled '2019-10-06'- navalny built 2 bridges using some cool invisible material for the road surface
- unrelated summer swimming pool shit
Section titled '2019-10-08'some public transportation shit again
presumably a train or a plane
i couldn't leave the city because i forgot something somewhere
i had no music but the season finally changed to fall
don't remember about the soviet architecture tho
Section titled '2019-10-12'- me playing some star wars? film-like video game
- me just walking in [the city I live in] but it has some new fucked up buildings
- incomprehensible shit
Section titled '2019-10-19'it's complicated
first i watch shrek
(the horror movie)
at least in my dream
and i watch it in the middle of the day
then something happens that i already forgot but i remember it was temporarily night
then it's day again and i go to the shower
i just sit and start thinking about stuff
then just a giant caption "error" appears in my vision with a picture of some old chinese man? colonel sanders? + high pitched noise and i die? lose consciousness?
on level 2 (dream in a dream) i retell [the person I'm writing to] all those events irl
(inclusing that one i forgot)
in the end at this moment it just paralyzes me for some reason
it was weird
okay some minor details
the whole thing happens in my grandma's old house
but it looks nothing like it
the shower for some reason is located in the kitchen
(it's separated from the rest of the room with a curtain)
also it got really darkish when i got into it
the word "error" was dark gray on black background but visible
while it happened i was holding a smartphone with 4chan? on it
at least there was yellowish background and a mashup picture with the facebook version of angry emoji
[shrek] watch on a crt tv
also it appears like night in my thoughts while i retell it to [the person I'm writing to] but it's as i said happened in the middle of the day
yeah also the darkness is not entirely black but blueish everywhere
that's all i could remember i'm back to shleep
[something I forgot] update: it was me doing something in the parking lot of some supermarket
there were either no cars or very few of them
Section titled '2019-10-23'2 layer shit again
someone sends a not-entirely-nsfw gif into the conference
[the person I'm writing to] find its source and it's a youtube video called "98 hentai bdsm techniques"
but it's blocked in russia
so [the person I'm writing to] tell me to use some secret yandex website called yandex14.com
layer 2:
(i'm not sure when it happened in terms of time)
either right after this
(after i open the source)
so on layer 2 i sleep
i have a dream where i go to some underground lake? with my batya
when i try to find the toilet there i go into someone's room
it's messy as fuck and there's no toilet
and also there's a cooling device?
(not fridge it's smaller and closes like a book)
after that i go a level higher and there's some stonehenge-like structure
after that i wake up
tell [the person I'm writing to] about the structure while playing some game
(i'm not sure what game but it was a 3d 3rd person shit and there was a church-like shit)
then i try to play the source video but it loads too slowly and i actually wake up
what the fuck was that
okay i now remembered a scene where i drive a car at night and one where i take a photo of my batya and notice that he's much more fat than usual
also idk where they belong chronologically
Section titled '2019-10-26'some gangster shit but it's a cars (from pixar) movie
i'm back to shlp
Section titled '2019-10-30'me being on a vacation somewhere
the insides of hotel looked kinda familiar but kinda not
i don't remember the outsides so well but there were some rusty metal constructions
in the dream i was collecting my stuff to return home by train (yes train again for some reason)
the train "station" looked suspiciously familiar to a regular tram stop
also i remember some software shit like using some firefox reimplementation? but it barely makes any sense
that's it
Section titled '2019-10-31'the thing happens in a typical american bedroom
it's quiet sunny day and the camera is located above the light-blue checked bed
2 M&Ms (red and yellow which in my case was lime) are talking with a clownfish that levitates on some water
so the clownfish says something about african american people
and one of the M&Ms replies that the clownfish (the kind) effectively controls the government
then some shit starts to inflate to the size of the room
i'm not sure what
then i fake-wake up and a standard trolley irl shit happens
Section titled '2019-11-02'(actually barely remember anything)
only a couple of scenes
- something related to living in south africa
- some cacti joke
- some old lady trying to travel by putting herself and her dog inside an oven and sending the oven by some fucked up mail in which building i was inside
also she somehow fit in like 2 inches of vertical space and the oven was on the whole time
that's it
Section titled '2019-11-03'(two separate dreams not a dream in a dream)
(i remembered some things after i temporarily woke up from them but now nothing)
- fucked up nonsensical mashup of the events that happened to me during the day
i remember seeing vcmi (at least the word) there for sure
- remotely tony stark looking guy giving a presentation + me having flashbacks in some theater
after that i'm on the bus stop and some random shit happens
i continue having flashbacks + the person who i was apparently with meets another person or something
that's it
Section titled '2019-11-04'i woke up with the feeling that i needed to do something important but idk what the fuck was that
Section titled '2019-11-06'me sitting in my room + random people bringing me some small black bags
also i watch some cringy russian youtuber in the background which doesn't make any sense
Section titled '2019-11-07'some waterpark shit
i remember some slides being outside and some inside
they ranged in sizes a lot and didn't make any fucking sense
also there was some scene were i put on some silicon feet for some reason
also there was a scene in my godfather's old apartment and a couple of supposedly [place where I'm studying in] scenes
the last one was just 2 old women arguing near the blackboard and trying to tell the audience something
Section titled '2019-11-08'layer 1. me my batya and at least someone else are in some small ship which is floating on the water above the fountain in some american/english city and fucked up shit happens
layer 2. i watch (according to the dream) the prequel of jojo part 3 or 2 (not the part before) but it looks nothing like it could look like
Section titled '2019-11-09'game/tv series/something where tony stark gets lost in the desert and starts having hallucinations but in the end gets saved
Section titled '2019-11-10'most of a certain european country becomes part of another european country and everyone is celebrating it
also remember something about [my friend] now knowing how nameapaces work?
btw in that dream there were some more shit on previous layer
something related to 20 year old phone and greece
Section titled '2019-11-11'me browsing filthy frank's website from the 90s
also something related to shitty wallpapers in my room and traveling but i don't remember it
prerry spacy i should say
Section titled '2019-11-12'i'm on a vacation in a hotel and i watch a let's play about some zombie game on youtube
the name of the game was Zombiesome word; probably started with g and the let's play was like 20-40 minutes
in the beginning the main hero drives in his car through the night city
there was something related to electric cars and java for some reason
i don't remember where and how he was attacked but it was a group of like 5 very strong female zombies
later he went inside some khruschevka
in the elevator there were 2 options? idk they were like separated in 2 groups but not actually
the hero died and respawned 2 times so probably those groups were divided randomly
so on first try he went into the group with 4 zombies and got owned instantly
i can't remember the second one and if it even existed
then he's in the group with 1 zombie and for some reason they were going on the roof to battle there
so the zombie needed some sort of electrical equipment to fight the main hero but she notices a giant pile of those so she assumes he bought all of them in the city and gets insanely angry
i woke up in the middle of the battle and i don't remember much
but i'm sure there was a crt monitor going through someone's head
i shleep
Section titled '2019-11-16'too much shit happened but i can't remember anything
but there was something related to time travel minecraft and also ksa1987 for some reason
i'm back to shleep
Section titled '2019-11-17'(3 of them)
all about new york
all are geohraphically and visually inaccurate
linguistically too
Section titled '2019-11-18'configuring some website
makes sense considering that's what i was doing before falling asleep
Section titled '2019-11-19'(one dream not a dream in a dream)
the whole thing is happening in a vast open plain with some huge old buildings
- me studying somewhere and they hire professional actors as teachers or something
- potentially a lolicon vr game (why)
- something that i forgot
one more dream:
some really small soviet town covered in snow located near a cliff
Section titled '2019-11-20'(several dreams but only these remembered)
- a giant khruschevka in a horrible condition with parts of the insides visible from the outside because of several huge voids and missing walls; there's a separate "non-living" or something sector which looks even worse and kinda scary
- me and my sister in a presumably turkish shopping mall (why)
that's it
Section titled '2019-11-21'- walking in some non-existent irl shop on [street name]
- the lab building of the [the place I'm studying in] but it's actually an apartment building
Section titled '2019-11-23'i had several ones but barely remember anything
there was one about some person called jayson who could noclip out of reality and he fucked up everything
there was one about the consequences but i can't remember anything
and there was one where i just browse reddit & youtube
Section titled '2019-11-24'it's fucked up
some relatives gift me nintendo switch for some reason
i start to develop some shit for it
then suddenly we leave
but because the old car that was left? is not closed we have to get back
also there was a crawling scene
probably crawling in shit
Section titled '2019-11-26'is kinda fucked up
according to the plot i've spent 2 days in the dream
(which isn't true ofc)
and today's dream is a continuation of yesterday's
which is actually today's
i'm not sure where each one starts and ends so fuck it
so i watch some live action tv show
and it's supposed to be somehow related to avatar
(the american animated series not the blue one)
i remember the scene with a village welcoming some russian people? and they mention [president]'s full name at least 3 times i like 11 seconds
and the scene was supposed to be happening in the "old times" or something so i thought it was weird
so in i suppose the end of the episode the main heros (a boy and a girl i think) that looked something between the actual avatar heroes and russian homeless people get put into a cave as a punishment?
i remember the walls growing or something
then i remember an irl scene
i'm not sure if it's supposed to be on level 1 or level 2
so the background is the entrance to the four hundred and minus first room
i prepare and eat some food for some reason which i took in a plastic bag apparently
so then there's a continuation of the avatar shit and i suppose level 2 shit where i wake up (but it's for some reason the middle of the day) and my [messenger] app is broken or something
so then the app scene happens again on level 1 i think like "what the fuck was all that" and just wake up; the whole dream kinda had sad vibes + panic shit in the end but the events are complete fucking nonsense
Section titled '2019-11-28'soviet entertainment park
Section titled '2019-11-30'playing some homm3 mod/fork/lookalike
Section titled '2019-12-01'extreme multi-level shit which i almost completely forgot
there was something about some powerful guy and also nintendo characters later for some reason
in any case h
Section titled '2019-12-03'something related to math lessons africa and silver
(at the same time)
Section titled '2019-12-07'there was something related to shrinking and enlarging objects parallel universes (no it wasn't fucking avengers endgame) and for some reason windows 10 but i don't remember the details
Section titled '2019-12-10'me preparing to fly to rhode island (for a 2 day vacation) which apparently is a country and not a us state and is located somewhere in southern europe
also there i had some t-shirt with a fucked up world map where every continent is distorted and africa(?) is fucking missing
Section titled '2019-12-15'some weird shit
(tv series/video game)
i believe it was related to jojo
so there are multiple universes? in which the characters have ablities to control different kind of things in each one and you can move into the next universe after completing? the previous one
i'm not entirely sure how it works
i barely remember anything but 2 scenes:
white obama in the intro to the 6th episode/chapter/location/whatever
villain battles with the main character
v. tells m.c. to show him the insides of his anal cavity but he refuses
v. tells that m.c. has lost but m.c. replies with something (his jaw is broken or something)
so for some reason iggy appears in the background and jumps to the m.c. and v. refuses to beat him
what the fuck was that
Section titled '2019-12-18'some zombie apocalypse shit
don't remember shit
there was something related to hk97 and nuclear weapons but idk how
Section titled '2019-12-20'some [place where I'm styuding in] shit
but there's a metro station going through the 4th floor
and also i have a severe panic attack on an english class
and also [my friend] plays minecraft (what?)
Section titled '2019-12-21'me watching a 90s animated series and its live action remake
not sure about the genre and details
i can remember only 2 characters: a fat guy and a girl with blue hair
both are probably not connected to each other
the fat guy lives in a detached house and some fucked up shit happens there
there was something related to middle east time travel and ant-man shit
but i'm not sure how
i'm back2shleep
Section titled '2019-12-24'me watching non-existent youtube videos
the videos were random and had some gameplay in the background
Section titled '2019-12-25'random city shit
Section titled '2019-12-26'me staying in some hotel
which looks pretty soviet
also [the person I'm writing to] is transgender
(yes i'm fucking serious)
i'm not sure about any other details
i'm back 2 shleep
similar hotel shit in the dreams
just as fucked up
Section titled '2019-12-27'eggs
that's it
Section titled '2019-12-29'- the original star wars trilogy but the plot was edited by me (i guess at least)
i can only rememer that obi wan turned out to be a villain
- i was put in a mind of a 7th grader and a body of a 2nd grader (what?) and i guess i study or something
- i still study but probably not in the same configuration and insanely fucked up shit happens
also there were the avengers(?) with bags of shit in the end