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2000s and 2010s

Date: 2002

Best drink ever created.

Rating: 3 stars out of 3 Outstanding

Date: 200X

Literally the worst shit ever.

Rating: 1 star out of 3 Bad

Date: 2007

Instant hit for me ever since I first tried during my trip to Crimea. No other caviar can beat this.

By the way, don't buy the version with chunks of fish meat in it. That one sucks.

Rating: 3 stars out of 3 Outstanding

Date: 2007

I can't possibly imagine what kind of drug you have to be on to tolerate this kind of shit. This "salad" is pure evil that consists of the worst combination of vegetables and seasoning possible, and I get angry just by looking at it. Under no circumstance am I gonna eat this meal, even if someone tries to force me. I had enough of it in my childhood, so no, thank you.

Rating: 1 star out of 3 Bad

Date: 200X

Okay, hear me out. I'm not cosplaying Shrek. I don't eat them like apples but rather chop them into multiple parts and eat with salt. If you're wondering why on Earth I'd do that, ask my mom because it's her who taught me this family tradition.

Rating: 2 stars out of 3 Good

Date: 200X

Its smell alone is enough to make me throw up. Don't put it anywhere near me.

Rating: 1 star out of 3 Bad

Date: 2018

Really fucking expensive, but this is by far the best shawarma you can buy from a restaurant chain.

Rating: 3 stars out of 3 Outstanding